17.02.2022 • 

PLEASE HELP How do we know Front Desk is written in first person? (1 point)

The story addresses the reader directly using you.
The story addresses the reader directly using , you, .

We, as the reader, learn about the feelings and thoughts of all of the characters.
We, as the reader, learn about the feelings and thoughts of all of the characters.

The narrator is an outside observer of all of the characters.
The narrator is an outside observer of all of the characters.

We learn about Mia’s experiences through her interactions with other characters.

Which actions demonstrate Jason’s role as the antagonist?(1 point)

Mr. Yao tells Jason that he embarrasses him.
Mr. Yao tells Jason that he embarrasses him.

Jason treats Mia poorly.
Jason treats Mia poorly.

Jason has a crush on Mia.
Jason has a crush on Mia.

The kids make fun of Mia and Jason.

How does Mia’s understanding of Lupe change over time? (1 point)

Lupe helped her write her narrative for English, which Mia did well on.
Lupe helped her write her narrative for English, which Mia did well on.

Luna warned her to stay away from Jason.
Luna warned her to stay away from Jason.

Mia realized they both wanted a dog and a trampoline.
Mia realized they both wanted a dog and a trampoline.

Mia learned Lupe created stories to cover up part of her life, just like Mia.
Mia learned Lupe created stories to cover up part of her life, just like Mia.

Which literary element creates a challenge or opposing force for the main character to overcome?(1 point)

the protagonist
the protagonist

the antagonist
the antagonist

the point of view
the point of view

the narrator

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