05.01.2021 • 

Please help me find the errors they are numbered of how many are wrong in that sentence. I’m going to leave the mistake in. So please help me. Biros
(1)Twelve-year-old Rafal Biros from poland discovered a comet on November 13. This makes him probably the youngest person to do so in history. (1)"lm still shocked this actually happened," he said.
(1)Comets is just one of the things found in our solar system, which consists of the sun and all the objects that orbit, or travel around, it. (1)Our eight planet orbit the sun. So do comets. (2)They are small objects made of rocks ice dust and frozen gases.
(1)The solar system is pretty big, so there's still alot to discover. Citizen scientists like Rafal help. They are volunteers that collect or look at data, or information, to help advance scientific research. Rafal is just one of many citizen scientists who look at images from space to help make scientific discoveries.
(1)in this instance, Rafal was part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Sungrazer Project. It uses images from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft to look for comets. A spacecraft is a vehicle or machine. It is specially designed and built to work in harsh environments such as outer space.
(l)ln 1995, scientists launched the SOHO spacecraft in to orbit between the Earth and the sun. (1)lt's main goal was to study the sun and its
activity. (1)How ever, SOHO has also been helpful for finding comets flying close to the sun.
How Do You Find A Comet?
(1)A comets frozen ice and gases create its most unique feature. (1)When a comet passes close too the sun, the frozen ice and gases melt. They surround the comet and trail after it as it streaks across the sky.
The SOHO spacecraft has two cameras that can capture images of these streaks. (2) Each camera takes about 100 to 120 images per day, said Karl Battams. He is the manager of the Sungrazer Comets Project.
People have to look through all of these images to find comets. That is why NASA enlists the help of volunteers like Rafal. (1)At home, Rafal looked through images from the spacecraft evry morning on SOHO's website. One day, he spotted what looked like a moving blob in a sequence of images. Later in the day, he took another look. (1) "I noticed that three more photos were added in which three positions of my comet were shown" , he says. He submitted his images to the scientists. Just half an hour later, they
gave Rafal official confirmation that he'd found a comet.
The comet was likely very small, notes Battams. It was maybe 5 to 10 meters (16 to 33 feet) across. (1)Thats slightly smaller than the length of a school bus. It was probably completely burnt up by the sun a few hours after Rafal found it.
Rafa}'s comet

The Youngest Astronomer
Every year, SOHO finds about 200 comets. (1)So far, the spacecraft has finded about 4,100 comets in total. (1)That's tVNice the total number of other comet discoverys in history.
But Rafal's discovery is special because it's likely he's the youngest person in history to find a comet. (1)Battams does'nt know of anybody who's discovered a comet who is younger than 12.
(1)Rafal isn't planing to stop there, either. He'd like to "have 10 discoveries" of comets to his name. He's even joining a separate hunt to look for asteroids. (1)These are small, rocky objects that orbit the sun, to.
Rafal's story is proof that people of any age or ability can get involved in
astronomy. This is the scientific study of stars, planets and space. so
thrilled that we can get kids as young as 12 years old that are makeing
discoveries that have genuine scientific value," says Battams. "That's just fantastic.”

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