11.12.2021 • 

Please help me!!! Introduction In this activity, you will research and choose three career pathways that are suited to your personality and natural talents. Then, you will determine the academic requirements, the skills you would need, and colleges or training programs for each of the three career pathways.

Directions and Analysis
Task 1: Academic Requirements for Your Career
Choose three career clusters that interest you and that you think you are suited for, considering your natural talents and personality traits.Choose a career pathwayor a specific career within each cluster and determine the academic requirements for an entry-level job in each pathway. You may use this jobs information network to identify the academic requirements.

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Task 2: Skills for Your Career
Identify the skills that you would need to acquire for success in each of the career pathways that you chose in the previous task. You may use this jobs information networkto complete this task.

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Task 3: Training Programs for Your Career
Research and list at least three colleges or training programs in your state for each of your chosen career pathways. Then, for each career pathway determine which school would be the best choice for you, and why.

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