11.02.2021 • 

Please help. Will mark brainliest. Write a literary analysis 2 paragraph essay about an intercalary chapter of The Grapes of Wrath. Your essay
should examine how the structure and language support the overall purpose, and it should
include specific examples from the text to support your claim.
Your essay should include the following elements:
A claim that takes a clear stand on the author's purpose, supported by main points
Evidence from the text that supports your claim and main points
Commentary that helps the reader understand how your evidence should be interpreted
An introduction, body, and conclusion that organize the content of your essay
You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you
haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.
Ask yourself these questions as you revise:
Did I develop a claim about the tone and purpose of the intercalary chapter?
Did I write a strong introduction paragraph that previews the points of the essay and briefly
summarizes the chapter?
Did I incorporate direct quotes from the chapter as evidence where appropriate?
Did I write clear and relevant commentary to explain my ideas and their significance?
Did I end the essay with a strong conclusion that makes the essay feel complete?

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