04.12.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER Ever since she was little, people told Amelia she would
never become a doctor. Starting in ninth grade, she
decided to prove them wrong. She made straight As all
through high school and college. The students around her
partied and formed relationships, but Amelia barely paid
attention. She didn't have time for that kind of nonsense.
She would become a doctor and start her career with a
Which ending to the story most clearly serves as an anticlimax?
O A. Suddenly, just as she was about to graduate from medical school,
the world ended.
B. Amelia had to call in a few favors, but ultimately, she was able to
become a doctor.
Ever since she was little, people told Amelia she would
never become a doctor. Starting in ninth grade, she
decided to prove them wrong. She made straight As all
through high school and college. The students around her
partied and formed relationships, but Amelia barely paid
attention. She didn't have time for that kind of nonsense.
She would become a doctor and start her career with a

Which ending to the story most clearly serves as an anticlimax?
O A. Suddenly, just as she was about to graduate from medical school,
the world ended.
B. Amelia had to call in a few favors, but ultimately, she was able to become a doctor.
C. But then a rival showed up: someone just as studious as her and twice as aggressive.
D. However, try as she might, she just couldn’t study hard enough to pass the many exams.

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