04.09.2021 • 

Please need it done today Write a study guide for students who are reading the Declaration of Independence for the first time. Assume they are reading this document in English class and already know the basic historical context. The study guide will have two parts: an introduction that explains how language is used in the text, and 6 to 12 annotations that help your reader to understand and begin to analyze the document as they read.
A word of warning: Don't try to imitate the content of the annotations in the reading guide. That reading guide contains many historical context annotations and explanations that are outside the scope of your assignment. Your job is to focus on language specifically and to share your own thoughts on the Declaration of Independence.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
An introduction that gives an overview of how language is used in the declaration
Annotations that define difficult words or phrases and point out how language is used to persuade
You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:
Does my introduction paragraph focus on the language of the Declaration of Independence?
Did I create 6 to 12 annotations?
Do my annotations really help readers understand the text?
Do my definition annotations focus on the meanings of the words as they are used in context?
Do my explanatory annotations analyze the authors' use of language?
Are my explanatory annotations written in complete sentences using clear, elegant language?
Did I address all the language features listed below at least once?
Deductive reasoning
Parallelism (which is a form of syntax)

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