16.02.2021 • 

Pls actually help me I’ll give you brainliest I’m just tryna pass my test :( Summarize the passage below in at least two or three sentences. Then evaluate the passage, focusing
on the quality of the details included. Which portions of the passage do not provide enough detail to
help the reader understand the topic? Why? After you have evaluated the passage, revise it to
improve the quality of its details. In your revision, show which parts of the original paragraph you are
using by underlining them. Note: You may need to make up information to add to the paragraph. (15
"Consumer Risk: Buddy Blocks"
A new product on the market, Buddy Blocks, poses serious risks to children. The blocks can break
easily and hurt children. Some children have even had to be hospitalized. The paint used on the blocks
is also unsafe. It has caused illness in several young children. There is one age group of children who
should especially avoid playing with these blocks. The national consumer product panel is considering
removing this toy from the market because of the problems it has caused.

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