22.08.2021 • 

Pls pls pls help it’s urgent give you brainiest and 50 points do I’ll give you another 50 too but pls help Could anyone help me write my speech
It’s about the following questions:
Introduce yourself
What did you learn and what did you gain?
What do you think about the program?
How did you see program online
Talk about the coach
What are your aspirations after the program?
Would you advise your colleagues to participate?
How was your relationship with students from all regions of the kingdom?

I will explain and you write based on what I said I’m not good at writing tbh. Just take my answers and change the words delete add and if you have any questions feel free to ask

So basically I’ve joined this science program called future doctor and they taught us all about the body and how it works I did undoubtedly learn a lot and gained a lot of new information and meat a lot of smart and creative people along the way. I thought to was a great program and it was such a fun and great experience and it was a great way to spend my summer. I think it was fine that it was online though I think it would have been
Better if it was in real life since we would all be in a lab and we could try out the experiment and see the results for ourselves and I would have gotten to know a lot of people but hi with the whole situation going around. The coach was honestly amazing she did everything expected from her she showed us videos ans explained properly ans she taught us in an engaging way and even though it was online I truly thought it was fun and she would constantly ask us if we had any questions or any comments or suggestions she would also encourage us to do our best. She was also very understanding. After I have finished the program I feel more interested in biology I also feel like I wanna learn more in the future I always wanted to be a doctor when I grow up and this course sure did help boost my motivation to go for it. Yes! I would advice them to join it if they’re into biology and stuff and if they’re not into that then they offer more for engineering imputed science.. etc I truly think it was a great way to spend your time learn new info and get to know new people at the same time. The relationship with everyone was nice but I do feel like I would’ve been closer to them if we were in real life since we would be working together ans seeing each other all the time but everyone were nice and I’m so happy to have gotten to know everyone there

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