15.12.2020 • 

Prepare an Essay Revision First, read a draft of an essay, "Two Critiques of Imperialism." This essay was written in response to a prompt to examine how Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels use the strengths of their respective genres to critique imperialism.
Revise the essay to make it clearer and more persuasive. Try to make the use of rhetorical devices more effective, the tone more consistent, and the transitions more organized.
This writing assignment will focus on the following skills:
Revising a draft essay to improve its clarity and persuasiveness
Using rhetorical devices effectively
Maintaining a consistent and appropriate tone
Organizing an essay with effective

Write a short answer to each question.
1. In a sentence or two, what are the biggest flaws you see in "Two Critiques of Imperialism"?

2. What are some flaws in the thesis statement?

3. Study the thesis and body paragraphs of "Two Critiques of Imperialism." Do the reasons at the beginning of each body paragraph adequately explain why the thesis statement is true? Which reasons need to be clearer?

4. Study the evidence used in the essay. Does the writer explain how it supports the reasons? Which pieces of evidence need more commentary?

5. What do you think the writer is really trying to say with the thesis of this essay? Try revising it to make it clear, debatable, and focused. Your revised thesis needs to stay on the original topic of how Swift and Conrad develop their critiques of imperialism.

6. What reasons should you use to support the thesis? Depending on your thesis, you may be able to keep some of the reasons from the original essay — but only do so if you feel sure that they are both clear and persuasive. A couple of the reasons should change, either in content or in wording.

7. Describe at least one example of a trope used in "Two Critiques of Imperialism." In your opinion, is it used effectively? Why or why not?

8. Find one example of a scheme in "Two Critiques of Imperialism." Do you think it is used effectively? Why or why not?

9. What problems do you find with the tone of "Two Critiques of Imperialism"?

10. Which parts of "Two Critiques of Imperialism" need better transitions?


11. Write a new introduction to "Two Critiques of Imperialism."

12. Write your revised body paragraphs.

13. Write your revised conclusion

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