19.05.2021 • 

Project: Building a Portfolio Assignment Introduction
Assume that you are involved in a job search. You are ready to construct an outstanding résumé to put before employers. You have carefully reviewed and documented your list of abilities, hard and soft skills, education, credentials, and past work experience (including volunteer). You have also considered your personality traits and job preferences. However, you have not narrowed your search to just one type of consumer services job, and you have seen several that interest you.

Assignment Directions
Using any or multiple sources (newspaper, trade or association publication, online job board, networking site, etc.), select two job listings. They must have very different job descriptions in different fields. For example, bookkeeping in a hospital and a customer service position in a retail setting. Using your own actual information, construct a general purpose résumé suitable for handing out in person. You may choose any format that is appropriate to your situation. Using the same information, build two more résumés, one each targeting the two different job descriptions and formatted to submit digitally/online.

Assignment Guidelines
Your submission must do the following:

Total three sheets; one typed page each for your basic and two targeted résumés
Include copies of your two chosen job description as an attachment.
Each résumé must contain the following:

Your contact information
Educational background
Employment history, most recent to oldest (minimum 3 entries; if you do not have 3, you may make one up, as long as it is plausible and appropriate).
Accomplishments (two or three entries)
Special skills, including foreign languages spoken, as applicable
Submission Requirements
For all assignments, remember to do the following:

Proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Use complete sentence structure and standard written English; do not use texting abbreviations or other shortcuts
Source all references in proper format

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