23.06.2019 • 

Project: using context clues instructions: demonstrate your understanding of context clues by following each step below. choose a word you have learned recently. use it in a sentence providing a context clue of direct explanation. identify your term by bolding it and your direct explanation with italics. choose a word from your own vocabulary, and write a sentence in which you provide a context clue of synonym replacement. identify your term by bolding it and your synonym restatement with italics. write a sentence which uses a context clue of mood or tone in order to explain a word in your own vocabulary. the mood need not be melancholy, but you might find sadness easily handled. identify your term by bolding it and your mood or tone with italics. using a word from your own vocabulary, write a sentence in which you provide a context clue of words in a series. identify your term by bolding it and your words in a series with italics. using a word from your own vocabulary, write your own sentence containing the context clue of personal experience. identify your term by bolding it.

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