07.03.2021 • 

Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple. 1
I haven't been
(1/not/be) to Canada, but I'd like to go there.
2 Paul and Lucy arrived
(arrive) about ten minutes ago.
3 I'm tiredI I didn't sleep
(1/not/ sleep) well last night.
4 There
(There / be) a bus drivers' strike last week, so
(there /be) no buses.
5 Edward
(work) in a bank for 15 years. Then
(he/give) it up. Now he works as a gardener.
6 Mary lives in Dublin.
(She/ live) there all her life.
7 My grandfather
(die) before I was born.
(l/never/ meet) him.
8 I don't know Karen's husband.
(l/ never / meet) him
9 It's nearly lunchtime, and
(l/not/ see) Martin all morr
where he is.
10 A:
B: Yes, but the movie
11 A:
B: Yes,
12 A: Where do you live?
A: How long
(you/go) to the cinema last night?
(be) awful.
(It/be) very warm here since we arrived.
(it /be) 35 degrees yesterday.
B: In Bostc
(von livelth
n. albo​

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