08.03.2021 • 

Quiz #2 Identification: Give what is being asked in the statements.

Two-dimensional art,Glaze, Celadon, Three-dimensional art,Ceramics,Weaving,MediumPottery,Palaspas,Technique,Stoneware,

__1. It is the substance that is manipulated.
__2. It describes the skillful manipulation of medium.
__3. It refers to any artwork depicted on a flat surface.
__4. It is an art that refers to work that has volume and mass
like sculpture.
__5. It is the oldest art form due to abundant of raw materials
on earth.
__6. It refers to clay formed with other elements fined at higher
__7. It is a coating of a glass-like substance with clay materials
to make a ceramic piece waterproof.
__8. It refers to ceramics made from vitreous(having quality of
glass) or semi-vitreous clay fired at high temperature.
__9. It is a glaze in pale greyish shade of green use on stone
__10. It is the general method of producing a surface or an
object by a strip or strand.​

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