25.04.2020 • 

Read the excerpt from Blanca Fior
What common motif is not reflected in this passage?
good vs. evi
special powers
the number 7
a quest
Don Ricardo (in full force and very angry). This must be
the work of Blanca Flor, or else you have more power than
I thought. I know Blanca Flor is too scared to ever use her
powers against me, so as a test of your powers, tomorrow
your next job will not be so easy. See that barren ground
over on the side of the mountain? You are to clear that
ground, plant seeds, grow wheat, harvest it, grind it, cook
it and have bread for me to eat before I return. You stil
have your life now, but I better have bread tomorrow. (He
exits, with a flourish)
(JUANITO exits]

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