20.10.2021 • 

Read the excerpt from Martin’s essay. Dog owners are more mature than cat owners. Dogs are more reliant on their owners, while cats are more independent. Caring for a cat requires minimal skills on the part of the owner, whereas a dog owner must be mature and highly skilled. Dog owners must be knowledgeable about training, teaching tricks, and caring for their pet. If you can only handle the basic task of caring for a cat, then you shouldn’t become a pet owner. Which reason does the author give for presenting the false dilemma that people should either own a dog or no pet at all? (A) Dogs are superior to all other animals as pets.

(B) Dogs are more reliant on their owners than other pets.

(C) People who own dogs are more mature than people who own other pets.

( D) People who own dogs are more knowledgeable than those who own other pets.

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