10.05.2021 • 

Read the excerpt from "The Quarrel" from "Stories from the liad." What effect does the phrase "with the eyes of a dog and the heart
of a deer have on the meaning of the excerpt from "The
o It emphasizes Agamemnon's greed and cowardice.
"Drunkard, with the eyes of a dog and the heart of a deer! Never
fighting in the front of the battle! You would rather go round and
rob the prizes from any man who stands up to you. I swear to
you, that from this time forth you may look for Achilles but you
shall not find him. When your men fall dying by the murderous
hand of Hector, you shall not know how to help them, and you
shall tear your heart with rage for the hour when you wronged the
best of the Achaeans
It underscores Agamemnon's deception and grace,
It emphasizes Agamemnon's lack of sophistication
It underscores Agamemnon's power and swiftness.

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