06.07.2019 • 

Read the excerpts from frankenstein and the divine comedy. the first excerpt describes the reaction of the character victor frankenstein to a monster he has created. the second excerpt describes the character dante’s encounter with king minos and other creatures as he journeys through hell. which two statements correctly describe the connection between these two excerpts? {both narrators describe gazing upon a hideous being.} {frankenstein believes his monster to be even more gruesome looking than the creatures dante faced in hell.} {frankenstein’s monster reminds him of minos from dante’s inferno.} minos from dante’s inferno and frankenstein’s monster are one and the same. {frankenstein purposely creates a monster that physically represents the creatures in dante’s inferno.} frankenstein by mary shelley (excerpt) oh! no mortal could support the horror of that countenance. a mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch. i had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even dante could not have conceived. the divine comedy: inferno by dante alighieri (excerpt) from the first circle i descended thus down to the second, which, a lesser space embracing, so much more of grief contains provoking bitter moans. there, minos stands grinning with ghastly feature: he, of all who enter, strict examining the crimes, when they arrive before the ruinous sweep, there shrieks are heard, there lamentations, moans, and blasphemies 'gainst the good power in heaven.

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