19.03.2020 • 

Read the following claims.

The use of unassisted aircraft systems, popularly called “drones,” is banned in Yosemite National Park for the following reasons:

• Drone noise can negatively affect how visitors experience the wilderness that is Yosemite.

• Drones can interfere with rescue operations by distracting or confusing rescuers.

• Drones can threaten the natural habitats of certain wildlife, especially falcon nests on cliffs.

Which reasoning would be best for arguing against one of these claims?

If humans are a threat to wildlife the government is trying to preserve, they should not be admitted to the park whatsoever.
While a true wilderness experience in America is increasingly rare, it’s not as if nature is completely without its own loud noises.
Drone photographers, capable of quickly covering a wide range of parkland, could be invaluable in locating lost or injured hikers.
Drone-based images could benefit the park system more than tourism by transmitting the park’s beauty to anyone with the Internet.

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