30.01.2020 • 

read the following excerpt from a speech. which selection best shows the main idea of the speech?

consider this story about shauna, roger, bethany, and stanley, who all met at the pool one day. they were excited to spend the day in the sun and enjoy one another’s company.[[ as they picked their lounge chairs and started to prepare to get in the pool, roger started to get worried. he didn’t want to take off his shirt and have everyone see him in his swimsuit]].[[ when it comes to body image and feelings of self-consciousness, almost everyone experiences moments in which they are self-conscious about their bodies. but there are ways to support yourself and work on building a better body image. ]]

[[girls may feel pressure to lose weight, but boys typically feel pressure to look toned and muscular. too often, people feel that muscles are tied to masculinity]]. look at the action figures that boys play with as children.[[ many of them are covered in muscles that few people could achieve]]

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