14.08.2020 • 

Read the passage below. First, identify Pepper's motivation in this passage and explain how his motivation causes conflict for Iggy. Then, explain how Iggy's response to the conflict helps to move the
story forward.
Every year, each class at Davis Middle School elects a class representative to participate in
important school events. Iggy has been his class rep for the last two years. He takes the
responsibility seriously and wants to keep the job, but he also feels guilty no one else has had a
chance, so he's pretty sure he won't run again. Then it is announced that the class rep will get to
meet action star Bud Delum, and Pepper, the meanest kid in school, suddenly becomes interested
in the job. Pepper knows he'd be a terrible representative, but Bud Delum is his hero. And with Iggy
stepping down, he'll cruise to victory. Iggy can't stand for a bad representative to take office, so he
pushes his guilt aside and reenters the election, winning by a landslide. As his first act as
representative, Iggy asks Pepper to take his place at the event with Bud Delum, helping Pepper
understand what it means to be kind to others.

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