26.12.2019 • 

Read the passage.

excerpt from "the dream comes true"
by tenzing norgay

it was such a sight as i had never seen before and would never see again: wild, wonderful and terrible. but terror was not what i felt. i loved the mountains too well for that. i loved everest too well. at that great moment for which i had waited all my life my mountain did not seem to me a lifeless thing of rock and ice, but warm and friendly and living.

what is the author's viewpoint of everest in this excerpt?

a. everest is a powerful enemy that he has finally conquered.

b. everest is a terrifying and violent figure that, ironically, he no longer fears.

c. everest is a worthy adversary that he respects and admires.

d. everest is a trophy and a sign of his greatness.

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