07.07.2020 • 

Read the passage from Antigone, Part 1. ISMENE What is it? The way you look makes it seem you’re thinking of some dark and gloomy news. ANTIGONE Look—what’s Creon doing with our two brothers? He’s honoring one with a full funeral and treating the other one disgracefully! Eteocles, they say, has had his burial according to our customary rites , to win him honour with the dead below. But as for Polyneices, who perished so miserably, an order has gone out throughout the city—that’s what people say. He’s to have no funeral or lament, but to be left unburied and unwept, a sweet treasure for the birds to look at, for them to feed on to their heart’s content. That’s what people say the noble Creon has announced to you and me—I mean to me— and now he’s coming to proclaim the fact, to state it clearly to those who have not heard. For Creon this matter’s really serious. What effect does the pacing of this dialogue have on the play? Antigone, Part 1

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