28.01.2021 • 

Read the passage from sugar change the world. Slavery was abolished in the British Empire in 1833, 30 years before the emancipation proclamation in the United States. But even after they freed the slaves, the sugar plantation owners were desperate to find cheap labor to cut cane and processed sugar. So the British owners looked to another part of the empire—India—and recruited thousands of men and women who were given a five-year contract in a passage back. For a person from India, going overseas was not a simple matter. Once you cross the "black water" of the surrounding oceans, you were said to have "gone to tapu." You no longer had any place in your village and could not be excepted back until you went through a special ceremony. Leaving India truly meant giving up your home; yet for some—my family—that was their only chance for a better life.

How do the details in this passage support the authors purpose?

• The details about leaving India persuade readers that it was a good idea for people to leave.
• The details about the "black water" entertain readers with stories of traveling overseas.
• The details about families leaving for a better life inform readers about the status of the author's family.
• The details about hiring people from India persuade readers that people who cross the seas were hard workers.

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