18.03.2021 • 

Read the passage. The two young cowboys scooped beans into their tin plates and sat down on the end of the buckboard, "What's your name?" said the older
of the two
"They call me Captain Billy. Who might you be?"
"I'm Red. This is your first cattle drive?"
"Yep." The younger man began to cough.
"You get a lot of dust back there riding drag, But don't worry, they won't put you there every day."
"I can take it."
"Didn't say you couldn't. Say, were you the one I saw trying to wrestle that doggie down, and got dragged into that patch of cactus?"
"Yeah that was me. I got most of the needles pulled out. Think I dislocated something."
"Thought you was limping pretty bad."
"It was my shoulder that got dislocated. I'm limping because some horse kicked me." Captain Billy then went into another coughing fit.
"Where you from, Billy?"
"That's a long way back East."
"Yeah, I came out here for my health."
Which line from the excerpt highlights the irony of the scene?
O 1. "They call me Captain Billy,"
2. "Didn't say you couldn't."
O 3. "That's a long way back East."

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