21.05.2020 • 

Read the passages.

Children need lengthier recess sessions in order to reap the full benefits from the play session. They need ample time to move their body, to explore, to tinker, to problem-solve, to work through their emotions, and to dive deep into their imaginations.

–"How Schools Ruined Recess—and Four Things Needed to Fix It,"
Angela Hanscom

Newspaper Article
"While I was certainly intrigued by the academic and behavioral benefits, it was the psychological benefits such as increasing emotional resiliency, increasing imagination and creativity, and promoting the development of self-confidence that I felt would be a game-changer for my students."

–"Why Some Schools Are Sending Kids Out for Recess Four Times a Day,"
Valerie Strauss

Which idea is supported by both passages?
Increased recess time leads to more than just physical benefits.
Increased recess time leads to increased self-confidence in children.
Children benefit from an increase in creativity with longer recess times.
Children benefit more from longer recess times than shorter recess times.

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