13.11.2019 • 

Read this passage from chapter 5 of the prince.

but when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. for this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily.

what features of the passage identify it as using a cause-and-effect structure? select three options.

the first sentence lists specific conditions followed by what might eventually happen.
the first sentence uses the expressions “on the one hand” and “on the other hand.”
the second sentence starts with the expression “for this reason.”
the second sentence lists potential consequences of the situation described.
the second sentence describes the citizens of the conquered city.

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