18.07.2020 • 

Reread paragraphs 31–35. How is dramatic irony created in this scene in which Mrs. Murray returns home?
Alison thinks that Mrs. Murray
suspects something happened, but
the reader knows that she doesn't
have a clue.
30 "All right, not bad," said Alison. "Now let's open some
windows to fan out some of this fog before your mom
gets home."
31 Not too much later, when Mrs. Murray arrived, she found
Josh, Jesse, and Alison laughing and playing a game at
the kitchen table.
32 "Look at you three, having fun! What have you been up
to all evening?"
33 "You know, I haven't the foggiest idea," said Alison.
34 Josh giggled. "Yeah, I can't SEE why we don't have this
much fun whenever Alison comes over to babysit."
Alison thinks that Mrs. Murray won't
ask her to babysit again, but the
reader knows that she will.
Mrs. Murray thinks that the twins
gave Alison a hard time, but the
reader knows that they had fun
Mrs. Murray thinks that Alison and
the twins had a quiet evening, but
the reader knows what really

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