08.04.2020 • 

Review Questions

1. Discuss one of the common myths of becoming a parent and why it is not true.

2. What are the qualities of a nurturing parent?
3. There is more than one way people can become parents. What do a biological parent, adoptive parent, and foster parent have in common?
4. What financial needs are parents obligated to provide for their children?
5. In addition to financial needs, what other needs might a child have that a parent is expected to provide?

Critical Thinking Questions

6. Select one of the qualities of a nurturing parent and why you feel this quality is important.
7. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most challenging? Why?
8. Which parental responsibilities would be the most interesting to you? Why?
9. Discuss one positive reason and one negative reason for having children.
10. Which parenting style do you think you would use as a parent? Why?

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