05.02.2021 • 

Review this paragraph and read the graphic from the text "Overfishing the Oceans." Then answer the question.
Overfishing is a problem that affects a whole ecosystem. A
healthy ocean has a balance of different species. One
problem with overfishing is that it takes away many of the
top predator fish and disrupts this balance Fishing can also
disrupt the marine ecosystem in other ways.
Based on the information in the paragraph and graphic, what can you conclude about the topic.
A. Fishy can ever be done responsibly.
B. Fishing never accidentally kills fish or marine animals.
C. Overfishing will affect only the species of the fish that have been caught.
D. Overfishing will cause the deaths of many marine species that are not directly being fished.

Review this paragraph and read the graphic from the text

Overfishing the Oceans. Then answer th

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