29.05.2021 • 

Rewrite this: By using specific diction Ghandi is able to strengthen his case of the independence India seeks. Ghandi uses the word “evil” repetitively. By using the word evil in his letter he wishes not to degrade Lord Irwin, but to open his eyes on what the people of India feel towards Britain’s actions. By using civil disobedience to fight evils India wants to show that they themselves will not succumb to it as well. In addition to the word “evil” Ghandi wants “friendly” negociation. Ghandi could have just written negotiation, however, it would not be able to create a harsher impact than intended to. By adding
“friendly” he wishes to juxtapose the actions of the Britain who have wronged India to the actions India is willing to take to negotiate with Britain. India and Ghandi wishes to have a future positive friendly relationship with Britain. Ghandi’s use of diction create a stronger meaning that can impact and change Lord Irwin’s point of view and eventually persuade him.

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