13.11.2020 • 

RL5.1 2. Which segment of the passage suggests most strongly that Stelzle thinks that individuals are not responsible
enough to behave "morally" on their own?
A. "Every reasonable measure is taken to prevent men from committing crime, and when they disobey
the very reasonable laws which are framed for the safeguarding of men as a whole, they are
punished by both God and society"
B. “And so the weaker members of society are today being given a better chance"
C. “But we still [look] back to the property rights period and the question of personal liberty when we
discuss the saloon and the liquor business. We forget that the biggest thing in this discussion is
duty and sacrifice"
D. "He's wrong. The 'Drys' don't want to compel everybody to take medicine-they want to eliminate
the cause of disease so that nobody will have to take medicine"


2. Which segment of the passage suggests most strongly that Stelzle thinks that individuals

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