11.01.2021 • 

Rocky Mountain National Park, nicknamed "Rocky" is a true marvel of the American West and contains a variety animals, plant life, and even climates. There are four ecosystems inside Rocky Mountain National Park: riparian, montane, subalpine, and alpine tundra. You might see a moose or mule deer drinking from a pond in a riparian ecosystem, which are areas
that are near streams or lakes. Riparian ecosystems can be found within the other three ecosystems. The montane ecosystem is lowest in elevation at Rocky. There you will find
ponderosa pine trees and wide open mountain meadows, lush with wildflowers in the summer. Climb a little higher into the subalpine ecosystem, where long winters and short, cool
summers make up the climate. Look high into a limber pine tree and you might spot a Clark's nutcracker, nibbling on pine seeds. Finally, the highest elevation in Rocky is the alpine tundra.
Bitter cold and wind-blasted defines this ecosystem with its jagged mountain tops that are capped with snow even in late August. Each of these ecosystems has a quality all its own, but
they are all interconnected, comprising a true American treasure: "Rocky."
Which of the following is a minor supporting detail in the one paragraph essay above?

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