10.12.2021 • 

Salvation by Langston Hughes the following questions:

1) How does Hughes use time in this true-life story? For example, does he tell us the story in linear order (the order in which events occurred)? Is he telling this as a flashback, or narrating it from the viewpoint of himself as a child, or some combination of that? Does time speed up or slow down within the story?

2) What details does Hughes use to try to put the reader in his shoes, or make readers feel like they are right there with him during this experience? Please name at least 3 details, and what type of feeling or thoughts they evoke in the reader.

3) Narrative fiction tells the reader a true story, based on the author's real life experiences. It can focus on a series of related events, or on one specific event (as "Salvation" does), but it has a "narrative point". The "narrative point" is similar to a thesis, but communicates what the author wants readers to understand about the experience being described. What do you think Hughes wanted us to understand about his experience as a child in "Salvation"?

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