13.11.2020 • 

Sample Essay - Look at this sample essay, on a different topic, and complete the tasks that go along with this standout piece of student writing. For this task there are 9 questions/tasks to complete.

Sample Essay
Read the Essay
Answer the Questions and Complete the Tasks
Imagine waking up one day and being told that you cannot go to school anymore. Now imagine that the reason you can’t go to school is because militant terrorists have taken over your city and don’t think you have a right to learn. For Malala Yousafzai, this unjust situation happened. Malala was living in Mingora, in the Swat valley of Pakistan, when the Taliban seized control of the region. They declared that girls should not go to school and enforced this demand by using violence. In response to this threat, Malala acted heroically by speaking out against the Taliban’s declaration and risking her own safety. These actions had a great impact, exposing what was happening in Pakistan and raising global awareness of how difficult it was for girls to get an education.
1.Which sentence is the Hook?
(Type the whole Hook Sentence Here)

2.Highlight the Introducing Section (background information) with light blue.

3.The thesis statement for this essay is:
“These actions had a great impact, exposing what was happening in Pakistan and raising global awareness of how difficult it was for girls to get an education.”
What are the two supporting points in this thesis?
(Type Your Answer Here)
(Type Your Answer Here)

When the Taliban came to Swat in 2007, Malala’s environment became incredibly hostile. According to Scope author Kristen Lewis, the militants “blew up government buildings and murdered police officers.” (Lewis, 6) No one felt safe when they realized that their government and police could no longer protect them. As Malala walked to school, she would pass the bodies of people who were killed by the Taliban. (Lewis, 6) These bodies were reminders of what happened to those who didn’t follow the Taliban’s laws. They made Malala fear for her own life and the lives of those she cared about. The Taliban used violence and terror to control the people of Swat.

4.What is the source for the first piece of evidence?
(Type your answer here)

5.What is the source for the second piece of evidence?
(Type Your Answer Here)

6.Use light blue to highlight the Elaboration in this paragraph.

Malala responded to the hostile environment by speaking out on behalf of all girls even though this threatened her safety. After the Taliban declared that girls had no right to education, attendance at Malala’s school dropped by “more than 60%,” but Malala kept attending even though it meant risking her life. (Lewis, 6) This action inspired other young girls to keep attending school. Malala did not stop there and took every opportunity she could to draw attention to the need for girls’ education; she revealed what was happening to girls in her city by writing an anonymous online diary. (“Profile: Malala Yousafzai”) As her confidence grew, she “appeared in a New York Times documentary, went on television shows, and gave powerful speeches to Pakistani kids.” (Lews, 8) In all of these appearances, she spoke about how all children have a right to an education. Unfortunately, by speaking out Malala and her family were constantly threatened by the Taliban, and eventually Malala was shot and almost killed, but she continued to advocate for girls’ education.

7. What is the source for the first piece of evidence?
(Type your answer here)

8.What is the source for the second piece of evidence?
(Type your answer here)

9.Use light blue to highlight the Elaboration in this paragraph.

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