26.09.2021 • 

» Say true or false and give the phrases or sentences which indicate this. The gramophone was very noisy. 6 This was not the first time that there had been a party of this kind Mr Wood did not even try to get to sleep. d Mr Wood was angry when he went upstairs to complain. Mr Wood was pleased to be invited to the party. Lood, who lived in the first signs, the steady excited voices as the of the gramophone, nad brought some work d himself for a couple me success the party eleven o'clock he felt com his experience of trying to get to sleep. in the flat above. 2 Answer the following questions briefly, in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer. a How did Mr Wood manage to ignore the noise of the party until he went to bed ? 6 How long had the party been going on when Mr Wood went to complain? In what way was Mr Wood's dress odd ? d, trying to read, but head did not allow g. He found himself Lisb?

» Say true or false and give the phrases or sentences which indicate this. The gramophone was very

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