19.11.2020 • 

SCR 1: The imagist movement in American poetry began in the early twentieth century. Imagist poets such as Ezra Pound, H. D., Elizabeth Bishop, and William Carlos Williams rejected the conventional style of writing and experimented with rhyme, rhythm, and punctuation. They also focused on using language to convey precise images. Consider these and other imagist characteristics as you analyze one of the poems from the tutorial. Using SCR format, discuss the theme and tone of your chosen poem and how the author employs elements of imagism to convey this theme and tone. SCR 2: In her essay "What White Publishers Won’t Print," Zora Neale Hurston argues that publishers will not print stories about educated minorities because readers will not believe that these people even exist. Would the person that Countee Cullen describes in his poem "For a Lady I Know" be similar to the kind of reader Hurston writes about? Use SCR format and provide textual evidence in your response.

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