09.11.2020 • 

Situation: Susie is staying the night with Ai Ping. Susie : Thanks for letting me stay with you while my parents are away.

Ai Ping : No problem. I’ve been looking forward to this. Let’s have dinner. Mum cooked chicken curry. Come and

help yourself. (a) Susie : Mmm…it smells good. Ai Ping : Just make yourself at home. (b) Susie : Can I eat with my fingers?

Ai Ping : Be my guest. (c) In fact, I think I’ll join you.

1.help yourself

Aserve the food

Bfeel free to eat

Chelp with the food

Dmake yourself some food

2.make yourself at home

ATreat it as my home

BLook around the house

CStay as long as you like

DMake yourself comfortable

3.Be my guest

AGo ahead.

BI’m not sure.

CAre you my guest?

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