24.04.2021 • 

SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME Bioethics 5 paragraph Persuasive essay Paragraph 1 - Introduction. Provide background information

Paragraphs 2 - 4 (at least 2 - you can use more) - Support Your Claim with Evidence and Reasoning. Ensure you use EVIDENCE from credible sources. What is the opposing viewpoint? State your counterclaim (response)

Paragraph 5 - Conclusion

You have a clear and specific claim for the argument for/against CRISPR/Cas9 being used to edit human genes for cystic fibrosis.
The argument is well developed with evidence to support your claim (quotations, facts, citations, etc).
The essay has appropriate structure and flow (Claim --> Reasons --> Evidence --> Opposing Viewpoint --> Counterclaim --> Closure).
Your conclusion is reflective and supports your argument.
The information is communicated in a clear argumentative style with very few grammatical errors and appropriately cited sources.

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