23.09.2019 • 

Speech to the citizens of depaul
citizens of depaul, i come to you the day before our mayoral election in support of edward slansky. edward slansky is not only a good friend of mine but also the candidate who epitomizes the values that the citizens of depaul hold dear. he stands in stark contrast to craig white, a candidate who doesn’t hold the concerns of depaul citizens in his heart. i urge you to vote for edward slansky, the better choice for mayor of depaul.
first and foremost, edward slansky is the better-qualified candidate for the position of mayor. he served on the depaul planning commission for four years and was a strong voice in opposing the building of a megastore in depaul that would have driven several locally run stores out of business. it was edward slansky’s dedication and hard work that saved our town from being taken over and disrupted by this large retail chain. for the past four years, edward slansky has also been on the depaul town council and has treated his duties with the highest regard. he understands how politics in depaul works, and he is committed to doing what is best for depaul. in contrast to edward slansky and his vast experience, craig white has very little expertise that would him in running the town. white has never served on any boards or commissions for the city, and he has held the opposite view from those on the town council on just about every issue. needless to say, he is not a man who will work to support the citizens of depaul.
second, edward slansky would make an excellent mayor because he is aware of the concerns of the farmers of the community. farmers make up 60 percent of depaul’s workforce, so he knows that their interests are vital to our town. he understands that without the farmers in our community, depaul would probably cease to exist as we know it. edward slansky is a founding member of farmer’s fund, a group committed to supporting farmers in small communities across the united states. to date, this nonprofit organization has provided nearly $2 million to aid farmers. white, on the other hand, has worked to drive local farmers away, stating in an appalling letter to the editor that “depaul could be a much richer community if we could just get rid of the farmers.” clearly, he is not willing to support the people who currently live in depaul.
last, edward slansky would make an excellent mayor because he sticks to his decisions and beliefs. he believes that depaul is a worthwhile community and that to change it drastically in any way would disrupt the soul of the town. for example, a couple of years ago when edward slansky was serving on the town council, a major oil company approached the town. this company claimed that if it could drill into the earth in the town of depaul, it could guarantee that oil would be found and would bring millions of dollars to the town. even with this promise of money, edward slansky was not fooled by the company. he knew that introducing oil drills into the community would not only hurt the farmers but also affect wildlife and nature in the area. he knew it would destroy the beauty of depaul, and he also knew that the promise of money was inaccurate. he knew that the oil company would stand to make millions of dollars, but depaul would most likely see little of it. luckily, the rest of the town council understood the seriousness of their decision, and most of them joined with him to vote down the company’s proposal.
according to this speech, how did edward slansky succeed in keeping an oil company out of depaul?
a.) his exercised his veto as a member of the depaul town council.
b.) he influenced craig white to reject the company’s plan.
c.)he persuaded the town’s council members to reject the company’s plan.
d.) he made the company realize that it was making a mistake.
→and explain! ←

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