10.09.2021 • 

* Step 1 – Identify the argument types present in each of the prompts below. Write either inductive, deductive, or argument by analogy under your answer. After you have done this for all of the prompts, move on to Step 2. * Step 2 – Identify the deductive arguments as valid or sound. Identify the arguments by analogy and classic inductive arguments as strong or weak.

1. If humans have rights, then you have rights. Humans have rights. Therefore, you have rights.

2. All cows feel pain and experience emotions. It is immoral to kill living creatures that feel pain and experience emotions. Therefore, it is immoral to kill cows.

3. No one has ever seen a solid black hummingbird. Therefore, there are probably no solid black hummingbirds.

4. Imagine you see a child drowning in a small pond. Knowing the pond isn’t deep (and that many people drown in shallow water), you also know that you could easily save the child’s life, but you would have to forego your lunch plan to eat with your friend at your favorite restaurant. If you were in this situation, it would be your moral obligation to save the life of the child because doing so would do a great good for the child and only causes you a minor inconvenience. Similary, if all Americans donated their non-essential money (i.e., money that they would normally spend on things that are not essential to their daily lives) to starving populations around the world, this would only pose a minor inconvenience compared to the great good of saving the lives of the world’s starving and malnourished.

5. If you saved $45,500 per year, then it would take you 22 years to save $1,000,000 (1 million dollars). However, if you saved that same amount, $45,500 per year, it would take you 22,000 years to save $1,000,000,000 (1 billion dollars). Most Americans cannot comprehend the level of wealth possessed by millionaires and billionaires. So most of them believe that you can become extremely wealthy simply by saving your pennies.

This is as an inductive argument; however, argument No. 5 is more precisely an abductive argument, also known as an inference to the best explanation. Can you explain why?

6. If Dr. Babbitt is your professor, then she is alive. Dr. Babbitt is your professor. Therefore, she is alive.

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