25.09.2020 • 

SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT PRACTICE CHOOSE THE CORRECT PRESENT TENSE VERB FORM FOR THE SENTENCES BELOW. 1. Every pale tomato slice, wilted pickle, and brown lettuce leaf an extra 25 cents at Bernie's Burger Emporium. A. costs B. cost C. costed D. had cost 2. Not only the Smiths but also Tonya agreed to try one of the world-famous chocolate-broccoli muffins. A. has B. have C. had D. has been 3. The Smiths, along with Tonya, A to avoid indigestion after eating these weird muffins. A. hopes B. hope C. hoped D. had hoped 4. On the sidewalk many little lizards sunning themselves on the hot concrete. A. is B. are C. was D. were

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