20.04.2022 • 

Submit the final draft of literary analysis on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Your final draft should be the revised and edited version of your first draft.
Analyze the ending of Huck Finn. Consider the reintroduction of Tom Sawyer and the revelations at
Prompt 1 the end of the novel. Does the end of the novel properly resolve the themes and show the
characters' growth, or does it surpass believability and destroy character development?
Choose one of Huck's adventures in Huck Finn and analyze its role in the novel. Consider how this
Prompt 2 adventure makes a point about society, develops the characters, and demonstrates one of Twain's
themes. Why does Twain include this adventure in the novel?
Choose one of Huck's adventures in Huck Finn and analyze how it helps to characterize the novel
Prompt 3as a work of Realism. Think about how the conventions of Realism are highlighted through this
adventure. How does writing in a Realist style help Twain communicate his ideas?

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