05.11.2021 • 

Summarize in less than 120 words "Imagine that you get up in the morning with the sweet sound of rain against the windows. You

look out and the world sings to you. Water makes it possible. Crystal clear water is available

right in the comfort of your home. Shortage is not even in the back of your mind, because you

know that the process of getting that water to you is in the hands of responsible persons.

"Some forecasts show that by 2025, more than 3 billion people will face water scarcity, but this

is not because the world lacks water. The world water crisis is a crisis of management – not one

of scarcity. At the global scale, there is enough water to provide ‘water scarcity’ for all, but only

if we change the way we manage and develop it. The scarcity of water is a very relative concept

that can only be seriously addressed by looking at a basket of factors, including socio-economic,

technical and institutional

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