23.04.2021 • 

Sweet Victory Jeremiah and Tessa Hudson love living on a farm with their parents. The simple joys, such as tending the cows and racing each other down the
field, bring much contentment to their life.Jeremiah and his sister, Tessa, usually get along and work on their chores together very well, but they are
also very competitive. Every task turns into a competition. Even seeing who can carry the most eggs turns into a challenge. They never pass on an
opportunity for a victory, and today was no exception.
Jeremiah and Tessa sat swinging lazily on the porch enjoying a cool beverage when they noticed something peculiar--the cows were making more
noise than usual and moving quickly. They stood up and looked at the cows and then back at each other. As they moved a little closer, they noticed a
strange dog running around with the cows causing a disturbance,
"I'll get the dog out of there," remarked Jeremiah
"Nope, I got this," Tessa called back, jumping off the porch.
They both raced over the gate, attempting to catch the dog who had found a way to agitate the cows. After running around feverishly, Tessa finally
managed to scoot the dog out of the gate, and it ran away toward an old mill.
Tessa snickered, "Well, I did great if I do say so myself. Can't wait to tell mom and dad how I saved the day."
Looking defeated, Jeremiah murmured, "Great job, Tess."
What is this story about?
OA A sister and brother who enjoy playing games with each other have a fun day,
OB. Two competitive siblings attempt to end a disturbance among the cows at their farm
C. Siblings that have a lot of things in common enjoy a warm day on a farm.
D A girl that lives on a farm with her family was able to get a dog out of a pen of cows.

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