22.06.2021 • 

Task 3 Analyze the following sentences (What kind of sentences are they? What kind of clauses are there in each complex & mixed sentence?)
1.When the plate is moistened and inked, the water- receptive areas refuse to take ink while the image areas repel the water and accept the ink.
2.Plates are expected to work when they are delivered to the press, and they usually do.
3.When exposed to light, the coating is changed so that the plate processor removes the coating in the nonimage area.
4.Most plates are made of paper or aluminum, although some bimetal plates are used for long runs and jobs that are repeated (e.g., greeting cards or books).
5.After exposing the plates under a negative film, the processor removes the unexposed coating, and this area becomes the nonimage area.
6.When developed, the unexposed area becomes the image area.
7.The image-reinforcing material on subtractive plates is applied during manufacture, and the unexposed coating, including the image-reinforcing material, is removed from the nonimage area during processing.
8.Positive­ working plates that are baked (in excess of 480'F or 2491 C) are suitable for runs in excess of one million copies.
9.Anodized plates are produced by giving aluminum plates a special surface that, under a scanning electron microscope, looks like a honeycomb.
10.The run length and quality requirements usually determine which plate is selected.
11.For example, little is gained by selecting an expensive plate rated at one million impressions for a shorten house specializing in fast turnaround.
The major causes of plate problems on press are abrasion of the plate on the press, improper use or application of the chemicals, faulty ink, faulty paper, improper plate processing, and faulty plate manufacturing.

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