26.02.2021 • 

Text 1: From a blog Well, folks, I think we all have a new favorite dragon movie. Just saw Wizard Rodeo and it was awesome. Liam "Dreamboat" Greenberg MORE than lives up to his name. Yup, I really only have one thing to say about this movie. Go. See. It. Now.

Text 2: From a newspaper

With spectacular scenery and breathtaking chase sequences, Wizard Rodeo might just be director Jessica Lisbon's strongest film yet. Bolstered by a commanding performance by Liam Greenberg as a bucking-dragon rider, the movie satisfies in just about every way.

A. The blog post uses jargon to convey a sense of expertise, while the newspaper review uses poetic language to help the reader imagine the movie's setting.

B. The blog post uses fun language to relate to the reader, while the newspaper review uses dialect to impress the reader with the writer's unusual vocabulary.

C. The blog post uses immature-sounding language to appeal to children, while the newspaper review uses dull language to appeal to newspaper readers.

D. The blog post uses casual language to create a friendly tone, while the newspaper review uses formal language to give a professional-sounding opinion.

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