26.03.2021 • 

The Beduin are desert nomad's well known for their weaving. Each Bedouin tribe has its own distinctive wearing patterns. This is a story about a boy who helped develop a weaving pattern for
Mohamad took a stone and wedged it into the sand He was helping his mother set up the al seu
(weaving loom. She was the loom setter, the one who knew how to set up the bom used for making
blankets it was a highly respected position, and she had been asked to make a blanket for their
Shok The Shack was a very wise man and the head of Mohamad's tribe. He gave advice to
everyone and made all the important decisions
Mohamad's mother stretched her hand onto the ground, leaving a row of handprints lengthwise. It
was how she was able to measure the placement of the loom Here," she said, pointing
Mohamad quickly placed stones where his mother requested. The stones would determine where
the frame of the loom would rest. Just then, Mohamad's sister Sayeedia came out of the tent. She
had just finished spinning the slightly greasy golden brown sheep's wool around one of the spindles
that holds the finished yarn Mohamadi longed to join his sister when she spun the wool but their
father always called him back to tend the sheep
"Sayeeda Mohamadi asked that Meena's wool you are using?" Meena was Mohamadis
favorite sheep, and he recognized all the dock's wool because he haped in the shearing of the
"Yes.Sayeeds nodded, sitting down upon the ground next to her mother
"What pattern are you going to weave, Mother?" he asked.
am not quite sure," she sighed. "New patterns do not come so easily these days. Mohamadis
mother rubbed her eyes. He knew his mother's eyesight was not what is used to be, and she often
rested in the afternoon
Mohamad's family came from a long line olaccomplished weavers. His mother had inherited the
position of loom setter, and it was a position Mohamad's sister one day hoped to have
Mohamade his father called is time to take the hard out for grazing. You must let your mother
and sister tend to the boom now."
"Yes, Father" he said, reluctantly. Mohamadi wished he could stay and watch his mother weave
When Mohamad returned with his father and their sheep, it was almost dark Mohamad quickly ran
to the loom but his mother had stopped weaving and was now calling him for the evening meal

The Beduin are desert nomad's well known for their weaving. Each Bedouin tribe has its own


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