16.11.2020 • 

The Industrial Revolution: Historical Context for A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

DIRECTIONS: You will explore a Google Slide Presentation designed to give you information about the Industrial Revolution. This revolution is tremendously important as it is the historical context (the circumstances that form the setting for an event or idea) for the story, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. You will have class time to complete this assignment. Answer the questions within this document and save it as a pdf and upload it into this canvas assignment.

We will space this assignment out over this week. Here is suggested pacing:
Day 1: Slides 2 & 4, 6 & 7
Day 2: Slides 8 & 9, 10 & 11
Day 3: Slides 12, & 13, 14 & 15
Day 4: Slides 16, 17, & 18

Answer the questions on this document in the spaces provided. Please use complete sentences.

Slide 2: Watch and respond. Watch this short video. Then list 3 positive changes to England that resulted from the Industrial Revolution.

Slide 4: Define the following terms:
Industrial Revolution


Factors of Production


Spinning Jenny

Spinning Mule

Watt’s Steam Engine


Steam Driven Locomotives



Slide 6: Answer each question on this slide to the best of your knowledge. This is a background that will be discussed later.
When you were young were you ever very sick?

Did you ever have to be hospitalized or did you suffer from a high fever (over 104 degrees)?

Have you ever broken a bone or torn ligaments?

Did you ever have to have surgery to repair or remove something?

What is Mom or Dad’s occupation (are they Doctors, Lawyers, Business Owners)?

If you know, what was your grandparents’ occupation?

Slide 7: Write ten adjectives (words that describe nouns) that describe the images/pictures you see on this slide.

Slide 8: This slide is about the Industrial Revolution which is what was happening when Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol. Write down five facts you learned from this slide.
Fact 1

Fact 2

Fact 3

Fact 4

Fact 5

Slide 9: In your own words, define Capitalism. Then, explain why the word “Profit” is SO important to a Capitalist (a person who supports Capitalism).

Why is PROFIT important to a capitalist?

Slide 10: Factories were HUGE during the Industrial Revolution. Review this slide, and write five facts you learned about factories. PARAPHRASE these facts. Number each fact.

Slide 11: List five facts you learned about the Mines during the Industrial Revolution. Number each fact.

Slide 12: Look at each image on slide 12. Write 10 adjectives that describe these children.

Slide 13: Video Even though this video is about Child Labor in America, it is important to watch and understand what was happening. Child labor was also happening in England. After watching this video, type three important facts you learned about and why they are important to you.
Why is this important to you?

Slides 14 & 15: Read the information presented on these two slides. Think about the decisions families had to make at that time about sending their children to work. Below, using your own words, write one fact you find most interesting. Then explain why this is interesting to you.

Slides 16 & 17: Read the information on these slides, and then write a THREE to FIVE sentence summary of what it was like for people who had to work during this time. Next, write two sentences that explain how you would feel if you were one of these workers (point of view).

Slide 18: Write a two-sentence summary of the information on this slide.

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