08.07.2021 • 

The Language Academy of University College TATI successfully conducted its second Jawi writing course yesterday. The participants (1)
(comprise) the academy's
academic and administrative staff who (2)
(want) to improve their Jawi
writing skills. The highlight of the course (3)
(be) a talk given by a Korean
Jawi expert, Prof Dr. Kang Kyoung Sook, the Director of the Malay Studies Department at
Pusan University, Korea. Professor Kang was the first person to obtain a doctoral degree in
Jawi writing. He (4) (begin) by learning Bahasa Indonesia in 1980 at the Hankuk
University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. He later also learned Bahasa Malaysia. Prof Kang
learned that there are two writing systems in Bahasa Malaysia, one is Rumi and the other is
Jawi. That was when his love and interest (5)_
(develop) for this unique writing
style, and they (6)
(deepen) since then. Prof Kang (7) (be) in
Malaysia since February to expedite a student exchange programme between Pusan University
and Universiti Malaya. Pusan University (8)
(draw) up a plan to send 50 third-
year students to Universiti Malaya to study Malay language literature and culture. When
interviewed, Prof Kang said, "I (9) (do) extensive research on Jawi writing. I
(10) (compile) all my findings on the etymology of Jawi since the 1980s. Many
Suwi scholars use my books as reference. I am very happy I can contribute significantly to
Malay studies

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