28.12.2019 • 

The most commonto introduce important facts, some writers begin with a phrase. 9. a dependent clause often qualify an infinitive or participle. 10. starting a sentence with a(n) create a vivid description. 11. writers may choose to begin a sentence with a(n) or participle. 12. when a sentence begins with “to,” chances are the writer is choosing to start with a(n) 13. the parenthetical phrase that starts a sentence is known as a(n) (two words). way to write a sentence is to start it with the 7. to accent the main verb, you can start a sentence with a(n) 8. to introduce important facts, some writers begin with a phrase. 9. a dependent clause often qualify an infinitive or participle. 10. starting a sentence with a(n) create a vivid description. 11. writers may choose to begin a sentence with a(n) or participle. 12. when a sentence begins with “to,” chances are the writer is choosing to start with a(n) 13. the parenthetical phrase that starts a sentence is known as a(n) (two words).

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